Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Movies and Measurements

First post in a while - Weve all been quite busy shooting films and what not. Nick skeer's 'Gimme Shelter' is coming along very nicely - great acting, great sets, an almost over-devoted DOP and one hell of a Lighting Guy (thats me).

Also - Today the assistant producer and I visited Tsubi Du the costume designer and measured up Jonno, our lead man. Were all very looking forward to the final product. Heres to Hoping.

One more day of shooting tommorow before we can rest and have a few drinks.
Oh, and as a side note - David Gregan has finally come out of the closet. We support you Dave!


90miledesert said...

yeah i mean the fact that i always showed up to MAPS still wearing make-up, you were bound to have found out eventually......isn't that right Cleary???

Nicholas Cleary said...

yes. yes it is