Friday, May 18, 2007


Introducing ... The Defender!!

Jonathon Johnston.
JJ feels comfortable in Lycra, has an audition for a Power Ranger coming up and loves to Cook.

Playing the role of his son- James - is Benjamin Riggs. Benjamin has worked with the Bookworm, performed live on stage and thinks Superheroes are 'The Coolest!'

And playing the role of Annette - The Defender's loyal wife and James's Mother is Eva Frick.

Eva graced us with her presence last year as Ivory McGinley in 'Blake Stone.' Eva is currently studying (right now!). She enjoys vampire films, singing and reading.

As far as locations go -I gotta see an Auto shop for The Defenders HQ and on Monday I'm seeing a man about a rooftop.
Still much to do - Gawd Help us all!

1 comment:

Dan said...

Nice cast.
If you get stuck for that rooftop the ARTS Tafe has a balcony/rooftop thingo, it's only 2 stories up but it overlooks other roofs making it look higher