Sunday, April 22, 2007

Whose Back?! - I'm Back!

Readers should be pleased to know that money earnt over the past week will go towards the production of 'Defender.'

Seems the latest thing to do is mention the crew's name. So here's my A-Team...
Writer/Director/Producer - Nicholas Cleary
Camera Operator / DOP - Winner of Best Cinematography at the SA Short Screen Awards - Tom Gaskell
Location and Post Sound - Hoe Bagger - Jen Wildwood
Production Designer and 1st AD- Japanese Correspondent and self proclaimed 'Wannabe Journalist' -Nick Skeer
Editor and Lighting - Lion Tamer and renowned author of 'So now your a Zombie' - Daniel Vink.

Small Crew, Short Film - Big Idea! - Bring on the Pre-Production.


Dan said...

Lion Tamer?

Light Globe Boy said...

"Hoe bagger" = nice!
"Wannabe journalist" = hurtful!

Nicholas Cleary said...

lion = cassie? (hehe)